Configuring Rights
Users in the Built-In Database
Many organizations choose to authenticate their wireless users against a corporate database or
authentication service. However, if you do not plan to use such a service, you can add users to the
database built into the 700wl Series system and use that for authentication.
The built-in database can have other uses as well. If you want to pre-register Guest users, you can do so
by adding them to the built-in database. You can also streamline the authentication process for selected
users by adding them to the built-in database as MAC address users. This mechanism lets them bypass
the normal external authentication process, and get the appropriate set of access rights immediately when
they connect to the system. Finally, Administrator accounts are also kept in the built-in database.
» To view the list of users currently defined in the built-in database, click the Users link from the Main
Identity Profiles page.
Figure 4-7. Users in the Built-In Database
The current list of users is also displayed under the Users tab on the New Identity Profile or Edit Identity
Profile screens, as shown in
Figure 4-5.
The User list shows the following information about each user:
Table 4-2. Users Page Field Definitions
Field Description
Name The descriptive name for the user, that identifies the user in the 700wl Series
system‘s Administrative Console.
Username/MAC Address The user‘s logon ID or MAC address. A user may be identified by one or the other,
not both.
4-16 HP ProCurve Secure Access 700wl Series Management and Configuration Guide