Configuring the Network
Table 6-8. New/Edit Admin Fields
Field Description
Name A descriptive name that identifies the Administrator. It can be the
administrator‘s full name or any other meaningful name. This name may
have up to 32 characters. Any 7-bit characters are allowed.
Username The administrator‘s logon ID. A username may have up to 50
characters. Any 7-bit characters are allowed.
Password The password associated with the administrator‘s logon name. The
password must be at least five, and no more than 20 characters in
Confirm Password The same password, entered a second time as a confirmation.
Step 4. Click Save to add this administrator, or Cancel to abandon your changes.
Editing an Administrator‘s Settings
Once an administrator has been added, it appears in the list under the appropriate tab—Super Admin,
Network Admin, or Policy Admin.
Figure 6-23 shows an example.
Figure 6-23. Admin Setup with existing admins listed
A Super Administrator can edit, enable or disable, or delete any administrator account.
The built-in administrator name and password for a 700wl Series system component is set on the
System Component Edit page. It cannot be changed through the Admin Setup function. See —Configuring
an Access Control Server“ on page 6-3, —Configuring an Integrated Access Manager“ on page 6-7, or
—Configuring Access Controllers“ on page 6-10 for more information.
6-44 HP ProCurve Secure Access 700wl Series Management and Configuration Guide