
Term Definition
L2F Layer 2 Forwarding; a tunneling protocol from Cisco
L2TP Layer Two Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) is an extension of the Point-to-Point
Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) used to enable a virtual private network (VPN) over
the Internet. L2TP merges the best features of two other tunneling protocols:
PPTP and L2F.
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol - LDAP is software protocol for enabling
anyone to locate organizations, individuals, and other resources such as files
and devices in a network, whether on the public Internet or on a corporate
intranet. LDAP is a lightweight version of Directory Access Protocol (DAP),
which is part of X.500.
Linger timeout A timer that controls how long before a client must re-authenticate after being
disassociated from an Access Controller.
Location A named set of Access Controllers or Access Controller ports that are used to
define a Connection Profile.
MAC Media Access Control - Specific protocols that govern network device access to
a network.
MAC address a unique identifier for each physical network device, used by MAC to identify the
network device
MAC Address user A client that is identified by its MAC address rather than a user name. Access
Points are a special type of MAC address user.
Management Information Base (MIB) A database of managed objects accessed by network management protocols.
An SNMP MIB is a set of parameters which an SNMP manager can query or set
in the SNMP agent of a network device (e.g. router). In theory, any SNMP
manager can talk to any SNMP agent with a properly defined MIB.
MAP Micro Access Point
MPPE Microsoft Point to Point Encryption
MSCHAP Microsoft Challenge Authentication Protocol
NAP Network Access Point.
NAS Network Access Server
Network Address Translation (NAT) Network Address Translation: NAT is a technique for translating one set of IP
addresses, often private, to another set, often public. This provides a means of
creating a private IP address space for a set of devices. The source addresses
are then rewritten in packets that are forwarded to the network. Network
Address Translation on the 700wl Series system platform implies Port Address
Translation (PAT).
Network Equipment Equipment such as Access Points that connects to the 700wl Series system.
Network equipment is identified by its MAC address
NMS Network Management System: SNMP software systems for managing
networks, for example, HP OpenView, CA Unicenter, Concord NetHealth, etc.
Normal group An administrator-defined group that specifies a set of rights, determined by the
administrator, and to which the administrator can assign users as members.
(Membership in all other group types is determined by the 700wl Series system
based on the client‘s authentication status).
NTP Network Time Protocol–a protocol used to synchronize computer clock times
in a network of computers
HP ProCurve Secure Access 700wl Series Management and Configuration Guide E-7