Configuring Authentication
Step 7. To indicate that an image is to be used with the customized logon page you are creating, check
the box to the left of the image. This notifies the system that this image should be downloaded to
the Access Controller with the custom template code.
Note: Only those images you have checked will be sent to the Access Controller with the
template code.
Step 8. Click Save.
The Administrative Console will return to the Logon Customization page.
Note: The HTML Template fields are cleared after you update the template file. You can tell if a
template file is in use by the presence of the —Last Update at...“ message, see
Figure 5-18. If
the default web page is in use, no message appears.
» To clear a template file and return to the default (built-in) page, click Reset to Defaults.
The default page is restored and the “
Last Update at...” message is removed.
Note: Clicking
Reset to Defaults will not delete any graphics you have loaded.
Tools and Options
The Tools and Options tab provides several options that help you manage and troubleshoot your Rights
configuration. This area includes the following features:
• The User Rights Simulator — shows you the Connection Profile, Identity Profile, Access Policy, the
logon expiration, and a detailed list of rights in XML format for a user you specify at a location and time
you specify. You can use this to determine whether your Rights Assignment configuration is working
as you expect, or to determine what rights a particular user would have if they logged on at a particular
time through a particular Access Controller port.
• The Authentication Transaction Tracer — attempts to authenticate a user you specify using the
Authentication Service you specify, and displays the information sent to and received from the service.
You can use this to verify that an Authentication Service you have configured is working correctly.
• Import/Export Rights — lets you export the rights configuration and save it on an external system, or
import a saved rights configuration from an external file. You can use this to copy a rights configuration
from one Access Control Server to another. You can also use this as a method for modifying a rights
configuration offline, by editing the saved configuration file.
Simulating User Rights
You can use the User Rights Simulator to view the rights that a particular user would receive if they were
log on at a specific time and location. The 700wl Series system matches the user to an Identity Profile
based on authentication via the Authentication Service you specify, an matches the use to a Connection
Profile based on the Access Controller port, VLAN ID and connection time you specify. It then uses the
Identity Profile and Connection Profile to determine the Access Policy appropriate for this user from the
Rights Assignment table.
5-42 HP ProCurve Secure Access 700wl Series Management and Configuration Guide