
Term Definition
IKE A part of IPSec: IKE=Internet Key Exchange (Negotiates session parameters for
the authentication header and ESP. Sets up Security Associations (SA))
Inner Tunnel Address For a connection using PPTP or L2TP, the IP address associated with the actual
data from the client, encapsulated within the outer tunnel. The inner tunnel
address may be NAT‘ed, but NAT is not required.
Integrated Access Manager A unit that combines the Access Control Server and Rights Manager with an
Access Controller.
IP Internet Protocol - The established standard protocol for transmitting and
receiving data in packets over the Internet. IP is a fundamental part of the
TCP/IP protocol.
Internet Protocol; the IP part of the TCP/IP communications protocol. IP
implements the network layer (layer 3) of the protocol, which contains a network
address and is used to route a message to a different network or subnetwork.
IP accepts "packets" from the layer 4 transport protocol (TCP or UDP), adds its
own header to it, and delivers a "datagram" to the layer 2 data link protocol. It
may also break the packet into fragments to support the maximum transmission
unit (MTU) of the network.
IPSec Internet Protocol Security: A protocol for negotiating encryption and
authentication at the IP (host-to-host) level. SSL secures only one application
socket; SSH secures only a login; PGP secures only a specified file or message.
IPsec encrypts everything between two hosts.
IPSec = AH + ESP + IPcomp + IKE, where AH = Authentication Header
(Provides a packet level authentication service); ESP = Encapsulated Security
Payload (Provides encryption plus authentication. The main use for IPSec);
IPcomp = IP payload compression (to compress packets before encryption);
IKE=Internet Key Exchange (Negotiates session parameters for the
authentication header and ESP. Sets up Security Associations (SA))
IPSec provides computer-level authentication, as well as data encryption, for
VPN connections that use the L2TP protocol. IPSec negotiates between your
computer and its remote tunnel server before an L2TP connection is
established, which secures both passwords and data.
L2TP uses standard PPP-based authentication protocols, such as EAP,
MS-CHAP, CHAP, SPAP, and PAP with IPSec.
IrDA A standard, created by the Infrared Data Association, for wireless, infrared
transmission systems between computers.
IrDA port A transmitter/receiver for infrared signals.
ITU International Telecommunications Union
JavaScript A scripting language to enable Web authors to create client-side, interactive
web pages. Although it shares some features and structures with the Java
language, it is independent of Java.
Kerberos Kerberos is a secure method for authenticating a request for a service on a
computer network. Kerberos lets a user request an encrypted —ticket“ from an
authentication server; this ticket can then be used to request a particular
service. The advantage of Kerberos is that the user's password does not have
to go through the network.
KDC Key Distribution Center: A network service that supplies session tickets and
temporary session keys used in the Kerberos V5 authentication protocol.
E-6 HP ProCurve Secure Access 700wl Series Management and Configuration Guide