
This generates the pop-up window shown in Figure C-4.
Figure C-4. Logoff pop-up window
When the user clicks the Logoff button, the Login window is immediately displayed in the same window,
allowing the user to log in again.
Redisplaying the Logon Page in a New Window
The default 700wl Series-provided Logoff pop-up does not immediately display the Logon page; instead
it displays a link that lets the user choose to go to the Logon page. The Logon page is displayed in a
separate, fully-functional browser window.
You can make use of this feature from your own Logoff pop-up window by including the following input
statement within your FORM.
<input type="hidden" name="logoff_via_popup" value="1">
If you include this statement, then when you click the Logoff button the Logoff window changes to
display content as shown in Figure C-5:
C-18 HP ProCurve Secure Access 700wl Series Management and Configuration Guide