
Command Line Interface
show backup
Displays information about the list of local backups and the status of a running store backup or get
backup task. Output from this command is similar to the following:
Backup image created Nov 25 17:25:22 2002.
No backup image ’store’ or ’get’ in progress.
Upgrading the System Software
get upgrade <url> <key> [ reboot | version | mindowngrade ]
Downloads a software release from a specified URL via FTP, HTTP, or TFTP. This starts a
background task that can be checked with the
show upgrade command. If you do not include the
reboot option, the downloaded version is stored as the alternate version, and is not activated until
you reboot the system with the alternate version option included. When you reboot to an alternate
version, the new version becomes the installed version, and the previously installed version becomes
the alternate.
The default URL to get the latest software from HP is:
For a flash-based Access Controller, the default URL is:
Command options can be used to do the following:
Reboot the unit as soon as the download is complete. This makes the downloaded version the new
installed version. Your configuration settings are preserved.
Display the release version available for download without actually doing the download. This
allows you to verify that the version is appropriate or what you expect before you download it.
For the release version available at the URL you specify, display the lowest (oldest) version of the
software to which you may downgrade without requiring a factory reset (which will reset the unit
to its default settings).
The mindowngrade version applies to this unit only and does not check for compatibility
against all other units in your system.
This option allows you to determine whether, if you install the version available at the URL, you
will be able to revert to your old version without having to do a factory reset.
<url> The URL encoded location of the software release to install. The format of the URL is
<protocol>://<host>/<update file> or
<protocol>://<username>[:<password>]@<host>/<update file>
<protocol> can be ftp, http, or tftp.
<username>[:<password>] specifies a username and optional password with access
to the remote site, if required.
<update file> is the filename (including the path) of the software image. For TFTP or
anonymous FTP, the path is relative to the FTP or TFTP root. If a username and
password is required for FTP, then the full path to the update file must be specified. For
HTTP, the path is always relative to the web server‘s site root directory.
The host must be an FTP, HTTP or TFTP server.
<key> The software release install key obtained from HP.
HP ProCurve Secure Access 700wl Series Management and Configuration Guide A-27