Table 9-4. Session Log information
Data Item Definition
Actual Destination The actual destination IP address and port, if redirected or tunnelled
through another Access Controller.
Bytes Transmitted Total number of bytes transmitted during the session
Bytes Received Total number of bytes received during the session
UserID The client‘ s user (login) ID
The session log also creates log entries whenever an Access Controller sends an associate or disassociate
message to the Rights Manager. These entries have the form:
assoc <client MAC> <Access Controller IP> <slot>/<port>
disassoc <client MAC> <Access Controller IP>
Associate messages are sent to the Access Control Server whenever an Access Controller detects a client.
This includes the initial client contact, Access Controller to Access Controller roaming, and Access
Controller port-to-port roaming.
A Disassociate message is sent when a client has not sent any packets for a specified period of time and
has not responded to repeated client probes. (The timing between probes and the length of time the
probes should continue to be repeated can be set through the Advanced Network Configuration page.
“Client Polling” on page 6-25” for a more detailed discussion of client disassociation.)
You cannot view the session log from the 700wl Series system Administrative Console. You must retrieve
the log file from the Syslog server and view it with a text editor.
However, you can view this same information through the Active Sessions display discussed in “Viewing
Session Status” on page 3-12.
HP ProCurve Secure Access 700wl Series Management and Configuration Guide 9-7