This preface describes the audience, use, and organization of the Management and Configuration Guide. It
also outlines the document conventions, safety advisories, compliance information, related
documentation, support information, and revision history.
The primary audience for this document are network administrators who want to enable their network
users to communicate using the HP ProCurve system. This document is intended for authorized
personnel who have previous experience working with network telecommunications systems or similar
equipment. It is assumed that the personnel using this document have the appropriate background and
knowledge to complete the procedures described in this document.
How To Use This Document
This document contains procedural information describing the configuration and management of the HP
ProCurve Integrated Access Manager, Access Control Server, and Access Controller. Where applicable,
navigation aids also refer you to supplemental information such as figures, tables, and other procedures
in this document or another document. Main chapters are followed by supplemental information such as
appendices and an index.
Document Conventions
The following text conventions are used in this document:
Table 1. Text Conventions
Convention Definition
Boldface Tahoma Screen menus, commands, or field names that you select are in boldface Arial.
Boldface Italic
New terms that are introduced are in boldface italic Palatino.
Italic Palatino
Emphasized terms and cross references to other areas in the manual are in italic
Courier Filenames and text that you type are in Courier.