
Command Line Interface
remote datetime <ip-address> <date> <time>
Sets the date and time on the system at <ip-address>.
<date> The current date in yyyy/mm/dd format
<time> The current time in h24:mm format.
Caution: It is important that the system time be kept accurate, and the time should not be set
backwards, either manually or by NTP, while the system is in operation. A backwards change in
the time of day may cause certain internal time-outs to take longer than normal, and previously
expired and logged off users may be made to appear active, until the system moves beyond
the time these users logged off or had their rights expire. Therefore, if a backwards time
change is necessary (for example, to return from Daylight Saving Time to Standard Time) it
should be done during times when system usage is low to minimize any potential disruptions.
remote sysinfo <ip-address> [<item>]
Shows status information about the system at the specified IP address. If no <item> is
included, all system info is presented.
<item> Specifies a specific item to be reported. May be one of the following:
cur_version: the current (running) software version
alt_version: the alternate software version
cur_install: the date and time the current version was installed
alt_install: the date and time the alternate version was installed
cur_time: the system date and time
start_time: the date and time the system was last booted
backup_time: the date and time the last backup was created
min_downgrade: the oldest version to which the remote system may be downgraded
without requiring a factory reset.
If no parameter is included, output is as follows:
remote sysinfo
Remote Info for
System Boot Time: Oct 13 15:38:09 2003
System Current Time: Oct 13 18:10:26 2003
System Backup Time: Dec 31 16:00:00 1969
Current Version: 3.5.238
Current Install Time: Oct 13 15:36:17 2003
Alternate Version: 3.5.234
Alternate Install Time: Oct 10 10:47:02 2003
Min Downgrade Ver: 3.5.141
The following is an example of a specific item request:
remote sysinfo cur_install
Remote Info for
Current Install Time: Oct 13 15:36:17 2003
HP ProCurve Secure Access 700wl Series Management and Configuration Guide A-19