Configuring Authentication
If you select the Guest Registration option, the Guest Registration page appears as shown in Figure 5-14.
Figure 5-14. Guest Registration page
If you choose to require guests to register before logging on, the following process will occur when they
log on to the system.
• The Guest user fills in their first and last name and selects a username and a password.
• The username and password are entered into the Rights Manager built-in database, and assigned to the
Guest Identity Profile. Once registered, this user will be able to log in as a regular user (using the
username and password he/she registered), but should still match the Guest Identity Profile and
receive only Guest rights (as long as the Guest Identity Profile occurs in the Rights table prior to the
default Authenticated Identity Profile).
• The user’s first and last names are included in the entry created in the 700wl Series system log file for
the logon event, similar to the following:
Aug 27 17:45:39 Informational Guest Registration completed for Tex
satmac = 00e0187db53d, javaworks = 0, firstname = Tex, lastname = Jones
If you want to capture different information in the registration process, you can create a customized Guest
Registration page by creating your own Guest Registration page template. See “Customized Page
Templates” for more information.
Logoff Page Option
When a user logs on, by default no logoff option is presented. Instead, the user is logged off by the Rights
Manager automatically either when his or her rights expire or when he or she disconnects from the
5-36 HP ProCurve Secure Access 700wl Series Management and Configuration Guide