System Status
Table 3-7. View Active Sessions Information
Column Description
Client Source Client Source: The IP address and port of the client system, as placed in the packet header
by the client.
Actual Source: For a client in NAT mode, the IP address and port of the Access Controller,
as re-written after translation.
If the address is shown in dark blue bold, the session has been tunneled from another
Access Controller due to roaming.
Actual Source
Client Destination Client Destination: The destination IP address as placed in the packet by the client.
Actual Destination: The destination IP address and port as re-written by the Access
Actual Destination Controller.
• If the address is in dark red italics, this session was redirected based on the rights in effect
for this location.
Slot/Port The Access Controller slot and port number used by the session (if any). For an Access
Controller 720wl unit, this is just the port.
Bytes Transmitted The total number of bytes transmitted.
Bytes Received The total number of bytes received.
Filtering Session Status Information
To make it easier to find the information you need from a Session Status page, you can filter the display
to show only a subset of the entries.
» To filter a display, select the filtering parameters from the filter drop down lists in the left panel of the
status page and click
Apply Filters. This refreshes the display with the status results based on the
filtering parameters you have set.
By default Status page data is refreshed only when you click
Apply Filters. You can set the page to
automatically refresh the data at specified intervals.
» To set the page to refresh the data at specified intervals, select the desired refresh interval from the drop
down list of possible refresh rates (or select Auto Refresh off to disable this feature) and click
Table 3-8 shows the Session status filtering options you can use to filter the Session status display:
Table 3-8. Session Status Filtering Parameters
Filter by: Details
MAC Address Lets you display sessions for a selected MAC address or for all MAC addresses. Select a
MAC address from the drop-down list.
Default is All MAC Addresses.
Protocol Lets you display only sessions using a selected protocol. You select the protocol from the
drop-down list.
Default is All Protocols.
3-14 HP ProCurve Secure Access 700wl Series Management and Configuration Guide