
In addition to including the realm field on the custom login page, the User specified authentication realm
check box must be checked (on the Rights Manager Customize Web Pages by Location page). Note that
this check box does not appear unless there are multiple authentication realms defined.
Client Functions
The following functions return information from the 700wl Series system about the client:
@loggedon() Returns 1 if the client is logged on, or was logged on but has expired. Returns 0 if
the client is not logged on.
@username() Returns the logon name of the client
@logon_error() Returns any error text generated during logon.
@client_expire() Returns the expire time of the logged in client (UNIX time format).
Returns 0 if the client has expired
Returns -1 if the client never expires.
Miscellaneous Functions
The following are a number of functions that are useful for generating and presenting information on any
of the customized web pages.
@month(@client_expire()) Returns the month as 0-11 based on the UNIX time returned by the client_expire
@mday(@client_expire()) Returns the day of the month as 1-31 based on the UNIX time returned by the
client_expire function.
@wday(@client_expire()) Returns the day of the week as 0-6 based on the UNIX time returned by the
client_expire function.
@year(@client_expire()) Returns the year as the actual year minus 1900, based on the UNIX time returned
by the client_expire function.
@xlate_month("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct",
"Nov", "Dec", @client_expire_time())
Returns the three-character month string based on the UNIX time returned by the
client_expire function.
@xlate_day("Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", @client_expire_time())
Returns the three-character day name string based on the UNIX time returned by
the client_expire function.
@add() Returns the sum of the arguments.
For example, to return the current year, you would use:
@add(@year(@client_expire()), "1900")
C-6 HP ProCurve Secure Access 700wl Series Management and Configuration Guide