
Command Line Interface
show policyadmin [<login>]
Show a specific policyadmin by specifying a login, or list all policy admins by not specifying a login.
set remote on | off
Enables or disables remote technical support access. The default is disabled. This should be enabled
only at the direction of HP customer support personnel.
show remote
Displays the current remote technical support access setting.
set sshcli on | off
Enables or disables the Access Control Server or Access Controller to act as an SSH server, allowing
users to connect the command line interface using an SSH client. If you are using the CLI in via an
SSH client and issue the command
set sshcli off, your SSH session will be terminated and you will
be logged off of the system.
show sshcli
Shows the current SSH settings for the command line interface. For example:
show sshcli
SSH CLI remote access is enabled.
SSH CLI remote access is disabled.
System Status and Information Commands
show status
Displays an overview of the system status.
For an Access Control Server, this command includes up time and the IP address, MAC address
and connect time for each connected Access Controller.
For an Access Controller, this command includes up time and the IP address and the connect time
for its Access Control Server or Integrated Access Manager.
For an Integrated Access Manager, this command includes a combination of the Access Control
Server and Access Controller status.
The output for an Integrated Access Manager 760wl appears similar to the following:
Uptime: 4 hrs, 50 mins
Access Controller Function
Access Control Server: Use Integrated Server
Active Clients: None
Access Control Server Function
Enabled: Yes
Access Controllers: 1 connected
MAC Address IP Address Connected
A-6 HP ProCurve Secure Access 700wl Series Management and Configuration Guide