
Configuring the Network
The format for the date is MM/DD/YYYY. For example, June 4, 2003 would be entered as
The format for the time is HH:MM, using a 24 hour clock. For example, 6:23 PM would be
entered as 18:23.
b. Click Set Time Now to set the date and time according to settings you entered.
Note: If you have made any changes to the time zone or NTP server settings, you cannot
manually change the time settings until you have saved or canceled the time zone or NTP
Caution: It is important that the system time be kept accurate, and the time should not be set
backwards, either manually or by NTP, while the system is in use. A backwards change in the time of
day may cause certain internal time-outs to take longer than normal, and previously expired and logged
off users may be made to appear active, until the system moves beyond the time these users logged off
or had their rights expire. Therefore, if a backwards time change is necessary (for example, to return
from Daylight Saving Time to Standard Time) it should be done during times when system usage is low
to minimize any potential disruptions.
Setting Up Administrators
The 700wl Series system provides one built-in administrator that has Super Administrator capabilities.
The Super Administrator can also create additional administrator users, some of which can have
restricted access capabilities.
The 700wl Series system supports three types of administrators:
Super Administrators, who can perform all administrative functions for all components of a 700wl
Series system. This includes all network configuration, maintenance such as upgrades, backups,
reboots, and rights configuration. You can create 20 administrator users (in addition to the built-in
administrator. A Super Administrator can also access any of the connected system components
using the CLI. Any Super Administrator can create, modify or delete other administrator users.
Network Administrators, who can perform network configuration functions, such as configuring IP
addressing, interface configuration, date and time settings, SNMP access, and performing software
updates and backups, for all connection components of a 700wl Series system. A Network
Administrator cannot perform any rights configuration, and can only modify his/her own
administrator password.
Policy Administrators, who can perform any functions under the Rights Manager, such as creating,
modifying or deleting Access Policies and Authentication Policies, configuring Authentication
Services, adding users, setting up Custom logon pages. A Policy Administrator cannot do any
network configuration or maintenance functions, can only modify his/her own administrator
password, and cannot access the CLI.
To configure an administrator user, do the following:
Step 1. Click the Admin Setup tab from any page in the Network module.
The Admin Setup page appears (see Figure 6-21).
Only a Super Administrator will see this page; a Network Administrator or Policy
Administrator will see the Edit Admin page for their own administrator account.
6-42 HP ProCurve Secure Access 700wl Series Management and Configuration Guide