Configuring Rights
To add the modified Access Policy as a new Access Policy, leaving the original Access Policy
unchanged, click
Save As Copy. The Save As Copy button is available only on the Edit Access
Policy page.
After a Save As Copy the page remains displayed so you can make additional changes.
Cancel to return to the previous page without making any further changes.
Note: To have your changes affect currently connected clients, you must go to the Client Status page
and refresh user rights. Otherwise, any changes you make take effect the next time a client gets new
rights. Changes do not automatically affect connected clients.
The Settings Tab
On the Settings tab, select or enter data into the fields as described in Table 4-16 below.
The fields under the
Settings tab are as follows:
Table 4-16. New Access Policy Settings Tab Contents
Column Description
Network Address
Whether Network Address Translation (NAT) should be used for a client under this
Access Policy.
• Select Always (the default) to have the 700wl Series system use NAT addresses
for clients in all circumstances. Do not use this if clients authenticate using NT
Domain logon
• Select When Necessary to have the 700wl Series system specify that a regular
IP address (static or obtained via DHCP) should be used unless the client is on
the wrong subnet (which may indicate that the client is misconfigured). This is the
recommended setting when you want clients to use a real (DHCP-provided) or
static IP address. An external DHCP server must be available to provide these
DHCP addresses.
• The Never setting forces the 700wl Series system to use the actual IP address
presented by the client, regardless of whether it appears to be a valid address or
not. If the IP address is not valid, all traffic from that client is dropped.
The Never setting should not be used for Access Policies that will apply to normal
user clients. It should be used only in special cases, such as where a client device
must respond to proxy ARP from the network (upstream).
IP Addressing Whether clients may use static IP addresses, or whether addresses must be
provided by DHCP. This setting is ignored if the NAT setting is Always.
• Select Require DHCP if static IP addresses are not accepted.
• Select Allow Static IP to allow static IP addresses.
HP ProCurve Secure Access 700wl Series Management and Configuration Guide 4-45