Configuring the Network
Note: The IP address can be changed under the Network Setup tab, along with other network
configuration settings.
The fields and options on this page are defined in Table 6-2:
Table 6-2. Edit Access Control Server page field definitions
Field/Option Description
Name An alphanumeric name for this Access Control Server. The default
name is the IP address of the unit.
A name may be up to 50 characters in length.
IP Address The IP address of this Access Control Server (read-only). This can
be changed under the Network Setup tab.
MAC address The MAC address of this Access Control Server (read-only). This
can be changed under the Network Setup tab.
Shared Secret The shared secret used to establish a trust relationship between the
Access Control Server and its Access Controllers. This must be set
to a non-blank value.
Note: Once a connection has been established between the Access
Control Server and an Access Controller, changing the shared
secret on the Access Control Server will not disrupt the connection.
However, once the connection is lost, the Access Controller will not
be able to re-establish the connection.
Note: If this Access Control Server is in an active peer relationship
(i.e. redundancy is enabled) you cannot change the shared secret.
You must first disable redundancy.
Confirm Shared Secret The shared secret, entered a second time to confirm.
Admin Username The username for the built-in administrator of this Access Control
Server. The default is admin. The name can be up to 50 characters.
Admin Password The password for the built-in administrator of this Access Control
Server. The default is admin. The password must be at least one
(non-blank) character in length (a minimum of 5 is recommended).
Confirm Admin Password The administrator password, entered a second time to confirm.
Enable HP ProCurve technical support
(Optional.) A mark in this checkbox enables access by the Technical
Support personnel at HP ProCurve to this Access Control Server.
Note: Enable this feature only if directed to do so by your HP
ProCurve Technical Support contact.
Enable SSH command line interface (Optional.) A mark in this checkbox enables remote access to the
Command Line Interface for this Access Control Server via SSH.
This requires that the client system running the CLI supports SSH.
If this checkbox is not checked, remote access to the CLI is disabled,
and the CLI can be accessed only over a direct connection to the
serial port on the Access Control Server.
This option is enabled by default.
HP ProCurve Secure Access 700wl Series Management and Configuration Guide 6-5