Microsoft 4.5.X Video Gaming Accessories User Manual

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The default value for each question is “Use built-in verification database”. When this setting is
selected, all other values (data source, query text) are ignored and the Account Reset Console
uses the default, built-in SQL Server database to store user enrollment data.
When “Use custom verification database” is selected, the Account Reset Console will attempt
to connect to the specified data source and use the retrieval query to get the answer to the
question or the setting query to set the answer. There are four queries that you may need to
specify, depending on your data source: retrieval, setting, insertion, and user deletion.
Verification Query Types
Each verification question may require up to four types of query. The Account Reset Console
ships with default query language for all four of these queries.
Retrieval queries are required for all verification questions. This query is used by the Account
Reset Console to obtain the user’s verification answer from the database so that ARCWeb can
compare it to the entered answer.
Setting queries are only required for verification questions whose answers can be set by the
user. If the “Allow users to set their own answers to this question” checkbox is not checked,