Microsoft 4.5.X Video Gaming Accessories User Manual

Page 22 of 94 - Administration Manual - Copyright 2007 - Lieberman Software Corporation - All Rights Reserved
The Account Reset Console allows you to design and use your own SQL queries, and thus
configure your verification system to access any database you may already be using for data
storage. This offers you unparalleled flexibility in verification options.
Once you have finished configuring your questions you will need to make one final change to
the password change features, under “Management” on the main menu and “Password
Change Features” on the side menu: You need to allow users to reset their forgotten password
through ARC via ID verification.
Select the “Allow self service unlock and password reset through ARC (via ID verification)”
checkbox. And enter a number of allowable wrong answers (we suggest 3), then click “Save
Program Features”. You may also elect to allow self service unlock via ARC Credential
Provider which is a separate download and installation for each client. This option allows users