Do not put any heavy item on this product. Placing any heavy item on the
product can cause a falling down accident or parts damage.
Do not climb on the product. Climbing on the product can cause falling down
accidents. To check the top portion of the product, use a step.
To avoid electric shock, check to see if door & cover parts are damaged or
To avoid electric shock, short circuit and or parts damage, do not put the
following items on or in the periphery of the product.
Flower vases, flowerpots, cups, water tanks, cosmetics, and receptacles/
containers/vessels containing chemicals and water.
To avoid injury, be sure to provide sufficient space by considering the potentially
crowded situation at the installation location. Insufficient installation space can
cause making bodily contact with each other, hitting accidents, and or trouble
between customers.
To avoid injury and trouble, be sure to constantly give careful attention to the behavior and
manner of the visitors and players.
To avoid injury and accidents, those who fall under the following categories
are not allowed to play the game.
• Those who need assistance such as the use of an apparatus when walking.
• Those who have high blood pressure or a heart problem.
• Those who have experienced muscle convulsion or loss of consciousness when
playing video game, etc.
• Those who have a trouble in the neck and or spinal cord.
• Intoxicated persons.
• Pregnant women or those who are in the likelihood of pregnancy.
• Persons susceptible to motion sickness.
• Persons whose act runs counter to the product's warning displays.
A player who has never been adversely affected by light stimulus might
experience dizziness or headache depending on his physical condition when
playing the game. Especially, small children can be subject to those
conditions. Caution guardians of small children to keep watch on their
children during play.
Instruct those who feel sick during play to have a medical examination.
To avoid injury resulting from falling down and electric shock due to spilled
drinks, instruct the player not to place heavy items or drinks on the product.
To avoid electric shock and short circuit, do not allow customers to put hands
and fingers or extraneous matter in the openings of the product or small
openings in or around the doors.
To avoid falling down and injury resulting from falling down, immediately
stop the customer's leaning against or climbing on the product, etc.
To avoid electric shock and short circuit, do not allow the customers to
unplug the power plug without a justifiable reason.