The following pages outline the game template’s key features: the M
enu Bar
, T
tatus Bar
, and C
The menu bar has eight main headings:
File, Edit, View, Zoom, Round, Tools, Window,
and Help. Each heading gives you access to various pop-up menus, commands, and options.
The first item in the
enu Bar
is the program icon. Its purpose is to provide you
with a visual clue about what program is currently active.
The File Menu
• Select File → New or type J
n to open a blank
template for creating a new game.
• Select
File → Open or type J
o to display the
Open dialog box. Select a game file then click on the
Open button to open the selected game.
• Select
File → Save or type J
s to save the
game you have just created.
• Select
File → Save As... to open the Save as JGM dialog
Type the name under which you want to save the file
then click on the
Save button to save the game.
• Select File → Cartridge to display the Jeopardy! Game
Cartridge Interface
. This dialog box will display the con
tents of a cartridge and allow you to perform a variety of
cartridge operations. (See page 24.)
• Select
File → Preferences to display the Preferences dia-
log box. This dialog box allows you to set options for the
messages and warnings that may appear during game
creation. See pages 28–29 for a detailed explanation of
the preferences you can set. The preferences are listed as
questions for which you choose a
Yes or No answer. The
preferences you choose take effect immediately and
remain in effect each time you launch the Classroom
Jeopardy! Editor program until you change them.
File → Print or type J
p to print one or both pages of your answer key
File → Print Preview to see what the printed answer key will look like when
you print it. Press
Zoom In/Zoom Out or click on the screen with your mouse to select
the magnification level for viewing the print preview.
• Select
File → Print Setup to open a dialog box that provides you with options
for your printer.
• Select
File → Exit to quit the Classroom Jeopardy! Editor program.
File menu also displays a list of up to the 10 most recently opened Classroom Jeopardy!
games. Select a game name listed in the
File menu to open the game’
s template for editing.
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