Setting and Verifying the Network Connection
Setting and Verifying the Network Connection
After Cable
After completing the hardware network connections to your
system, you must complete the following tasks:
1. Set the network connection type.
2. Verify the network connection.
Two Network
There are two firmware network settings recognized by your
system–THICK for AUI Ethernet or 10BASE2 (ThinWire)
Ethernet, and TENBT for 10BASE-T Ethernet. The default
setting is THICK. See Table 5–5 for the network setting you
should use.
Table 5–5 Network Settings
For this network...
Use this network
setting... And this command
AUI Ethernet THICK set ethernet thick
10BASE2 (ThinWire)
THICK set ethernet thick
10BASE-T Ethernet TENBT set ethernet tenbt
5–12 Connecting Your System to a Network