Before You Begin
Before You Begin
What You
Should Do
Before changing any environment variables, you should complete
these tasks:
• Put your system in console mode. If your system is not
displaying the >>> prompt, refer to Chapter 7 to shut down
your operating system and/or halt your system.
• Read Chapter 9 and the rest of this chapter before
What You
Should Know
Changing environment variables requires an understanding
of what each of the environment variables does, and how
changing the defaults will affect your system. Do not change any
environment variable without fully understanding the effect that
the change may have on your DEC 3000 Model 600/600S/700
AXP system.
If you are not sure about changing environment variables, ask
your system manager for help.
Available Environment Variables
Description of
Table 10–1 describes the system environment variables and their
default values. Information about environment variables not
documented in this chapter or in Chapter 11 can be obtained
via the
help advanced
command, or in the DEC 3000 Models
600/600S AXP and 800/800S AXP Service Information.
10–2 Changing Environment Variables