Before You Begin
Before You Begin
What You
Should Do First
Before using any console commands, you should complete these
• Put your system in console mode. If your system is not
displaying the >>> prompt, refer to Chapter 7 to shut down
your operating system and/or halt your system.
• Read this entire chapter before continuing.
What You
Should Know
Using console commands requires at least an intermediate,
and sometimes advanced, knowledge of your system and its
components, and the effect that console commands can have on
your system.
Control of
System Devices
Console commands control system devices and memory. Do not
use console commands without fully understanding the effect
that they can have on your system.
For instance, some advanced-level commands, such as
let you manipulate nonvolatile and system memory.
Using the
command to place a value in a location of
memory containing the actual console firmware could either hang
the system or prevent it from restarting after it was powered off.
If you are not sure about using console commands, ask your
system manager for help.
This document does not describe all console commands, especially
those commands requiring extensive technical knowledge. For
a complete description of all console commands and how to use
them, see the DEC 3000 Models 600/600S AXP and 800/800S
AXP Service Information and the DEC 3000 Models 700 AXP
and 900 AXP Service/Update Information Addendum.
9–2 Using Console Commands