Interpreting the show Command Displays
Elements in the
show device
show device
command displays eight columns of information
described in Table 13–11.
Table 13–11 The show device Display Described
Display Heading Description
BOOTDEV The boot device name. In this example, the
boot device name of the RRD42 compact
disc drive is DKA600. Boot device names
for disk drives also indicate the SCSI bus
and ID number–DKA600 indicates that the
RRD42 disc drive is connected to the SCSI_
A bus, and that the SCSI ID number is 6.
ADDR The internal address of the device. For SCSI
devices, indicates the SCSI bus and SCSI ID
DEVTYPE The type of device. DISK indicates a disk
drive, and RODISK indicates a read-only
device, such as an RRD42 compact disc
NUMBYTES The disk drive capacity in megabytes.
RM/FX Type of drive–RM indicates removable, and
FX indicates fixed.
WP Write protection indicator–if WP appears,
the drive is write-protected.
DEVNAM Device name. This column usually lists the
Digital product name of the drive, such as
the RZ25 disk drive.
REV The revision number of the disk drive’s
Identifying a Problem 13–15