Loading Operating System Software
Loading Operating System Software
If your system was not preconfigured with an internal fixed disk
drive, you do not have factory-installed software on your system.
To install the operating system, you must start your system
and load your operating system software from a compact disc.
Instructions for handling and using compact discs are included
with the operating system software shipment.
Loading the
Loading your operating system software from a compact
disc requires specific operating system instructions. These
instructions are available in the documents listed in Table 6–5.
These documents are included with your operating system
software shipment.
Table 6–5 Start the Operating System
For this operating system... Refer to...
OpenVMS AXP OpenVMS AXP Upgrade and
Installation Manual
DEC OSF/1 AXP Guide to Installing DEC OSF/1
Starting Up Your System 6–13