
UEFI Menu Operations
CHAPTER 3 UEFI Menu Operations
This chapter describes about the UEFI menu operations.
The UEFI has a menu that offers operations including selective booting of the operating system, starting the
UEFI shell, and changing the settings of boot options. To execute each function, move to the relevant menu
from the front page of Boot Manager.
For details on [sadump Configuration], see “Chapter 6 Setting up the sadump Environment”.
3.1 Front page of Boot Manager
The Front page of Boot Manager is the top page of UEFI. In this window, you can move to Boot processing
or can move to Boot Manager, Device Manager and Boot Maintenance Manager by using a relevant menu.
FIGURE 3.1 Display Example of Front page of Boot Manager
3.1.1 Window area
The Front page of Boot Manager is divided into 4 parts as shown in “FIGURE 3.2 Window area of Boot
Manager Front Page