
Include this parameter to use automatic stabilization if the problem is expected to be unstable due
to local instabilities. Set this parameter equal to the dissipated energy fraction of the automatic
damping algorithm (see “Solving nonlinear problems,” Section 7.1.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis
User’s Manual). If this parameter is omitted , the stabilization algorithm is not activated. If this
parameter is included without a specified value, the default value of the dissipated energy fraction
is 2 × 10
. If the FACTOR parameter is used, any value of the dissipated energy fraction will be
overridden by the damping factor.
Data line for a transient, quasi-static analysis:
First (and only) line:
1. Suggested initial time increm ent. This value should be reasonably correct (in agreement w ith
the strain change allowed with the CETOL parameter) but may be reduced if automatic time
incrementation is being used.
2. Time period of the step.
3. Minim um tim e increment allowed. If ABAQUS/Standard finds it needs a sm aller time
increment than this value, the analysis is terminated. If this entry is zero, a default value of the
smaller of the suggested initial time increment or 10
times the total time period is assumed.
4. Maximum time increment allowed. Only used for automatic time incrementation. If this value
is not specified, no upper limit is im posed.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module:
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