cannot be specified if both the R and M parameters are also specified (use the data line instead to
specify all three parameters). If this parameter is omitted,
will be determined from a nonlinear,
least-squares fitof the test data. Allowable values ofBETA are
. The M and BETA parameters
cannot both be zero.
Set this parameter equal to the number of field variables, in addition to temperature, on which the
material parameters depend. If this parameter is omitted, it is assumed that the material parameters
are c onstant or depend only on tempera ture. See “Specif ying field variable dependence” in
“Material data definition,” Section 16.1.2 of the ABAQUS Analysis User’s Manual, for more
This parameter is not relevant if the USER or the T EST DATA INPUT parameter is included.
This parameter can be used only when the TEST DATA INPUT parameter is used; it defines the
value of
while the other coefficients of the Mullins effect model are fitted from the test data. It
cannot be specified if both the R and BETA parameters are also specified (use the data line instead
to specify all three parameters). If this par ameter is omitted,
will be determined from a nonlinear,
least-squares fit of the test data. Allowable values of M are
. The M and BETA parameters
cannot both be zero.
This parameter applies only to ABAQUS/Standard analyses.
This param eter can be used only if the USER param eter is specified. Set this parameter equal
to the number of property values needed as data in user subroutine UMULLINS. The default value
is 0.
This parameter can be used only when the TEST DATA INPUT parameter is used; it defines the
value of
while the other coefficients of the Mullins effect model are fitted from the test data. It
cannot be specifi ed if both the M and BETA parameters are also specified (use the data line instead
to specify all three parameters). If this parameter is om itted,
will be determined from a nonline ar,
least-squares fit of the test data. Allowable values of R are
To define the material behavior by giving test data:
No data lines are used with this option when the TEST DATA INPUT parameter is specified.
The data are given instead under the
UNIAXIAL TEST DATA options. These options are applicable except for the case where the
damage variable is defined by the user.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module:
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