Set TYPE=FORCE (default) if this frequency function is given directly in power units.
Set TYPE=DB if this frequency function is defined in dec ibel units (se e below). This option
cannot be used with the USER param eter.
Include thisparameter if the frequency function is defi nedin usersubroutine UPSD. If this param eter
is included, no data lines are needed.
Data lines for TYPE=BASE or TYPE=FORCE:
First line:
1. Real part of the frequency function, in units
per frequency.
2. Imaginary part of the frequency function, in units
per frequency.
3. Frequency, in cycles/time.
Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define the frequency function.
Data lines for TYPE=DB:
First line:
1. Real part of the frequency function, in decibels.
2. Imaginary part of the frequency function, in decibels.
3. Frequency band number (1–15). Up to 15 standard frequenc y bands can be used.
Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define the frequency function in decibels.
To define the frequency function by a user subroutine (USER parameter included):
No data lines are used with this option if the USER parameter is specified. Instead , user subroutine
UPSD m ust be used to define the frequency function.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module:
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