MONITOR: Define a degree of freedom to monitor.
This option is used to choose a node and degree of freedom to monitor the progress of the solution in the
status file. In ABA QUS/Standard the information will also be written to the m essage file.
Products: ABAQUS/Standard ABAQUS/Explicit
Type: History data
Level: Step
“Output,” Section 4 .1.1 of the ABAQUS Analysis User’s Manual
Required parameters:
Set this param eter equal to the degree of freedom to be monitored at the node. In an
ABAQUS/Explicit analysis the degree of freedom will be in the global coordinate system. If
TRANSFORM option is used at the node in an AB AQUS/Standard analysis, the degree of
freedom is in the local, transformed, system.
Set this parameter equal to either the node number to be monitored or the name of a node set
containing the node to be monitored. If the name of a node set is chosen, the node set must contain
exactly one node.
Optional parameter:
This parameter applies only to ABAQUS/Standard analyses.
This parameter will only affectoutput to the message file. Set this parameter equal to the output
frequency in increments. The output will always be printed at the last increment of each step unless
FREQUENCY=0. The default is FREQUENCY=1. Set FREQUENCY =0 to suppress the output.
There are no data lines associated with this option.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module:
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