Optional parameters if the WRITE parameter is used:
Set this param eter equal to the num ber of intervals during the step at which the
are to be written. The value of this parameter must be a positive integer. The default is NUMBER
ABAQUS/Explicit will always write the restart data at the beginning and end of the step. For
example, if NUMBER INTERVAL=10, ABAQUS/Explicit will write 11 restart states, consisting
of the values at the beginning of the step and the values at 10 evenly spaced intervals throughout
the step.
Set TIME MARKS=NO (default) to write the restart at the increment ending im mediately after the
time dictated by the NUMBER INTERVAL parameter.
Set TIME MARKS=YES to write results at the exact times dictated by the NUMBER
INTERVAL parameter. TIME MARKS=YES cannot be used when either the FIXED TIME
INCREMENTATION or DIRECT USER CONTROL parameter is included on the
option (“Explicit dynamic analysis,” Section 6.3.3 of the ABAQUS Analysis User’s Manual).
This parameter specifies that only one increm ent should be retained per step, thus minimizing the
storage space needed.
When the OVERLAY parameter is included, each increment w ritten overlays the previous
increment, if any, written for the same step. If this parameter is om itted, every increment is retained.
In either case the last increment of every step is retained.
There are no data lines associated with this option.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module:
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