Set this parameter equal to the thickness of an interfacial layer between the contacting surfaces.
The value can be positive or negative.
Include this para meter if the surface interaction model is to be defined in user subroutine UINTER in
an ABAQUS/Standard analysis or in user subroutine VUINTER in an ABAQ US/Explicit analysis .
When this parameter is included, the
SURFACE BEHAVIO R option and its various subop tions
cannot be used under the same interaction definition.
Optional parameters if the USER parameter is used:
Set DEPVAR equal to the number of state-dependent variables required for user subroutine UINTER
in an ABAQUS/Standard analysis or for user subroutine VUINTER in an ABAQUS/Explicit
analysis. The default is DEPVAR=0.
Set this parameter equal to the num ber of property values needed as data to define the surface
interaction model in user subroutine UINTER in an ABAQUS/Standard analysis or in user
subroutine VUINTER in an ABAQUS/Explicit analysis. The default is PROPERTIES=0. This
parameter is ignored when the option is used in association with a connector element.
This parameter applies only to ABAQUS/Standard analyses.
Include this parameter when the interface stiffness matrix is not symmetric. This parameter
causes ABAQUS/Standar d to use its unsymmetric equation sol ution procedure s.
Optional data line for two-dimensional models in ABAQUS/Standard or for contact pairs
involving node-based surfaces in A BAQUS/Standard, if the USER parameter is omitted:
First (and only) line:
1. Out-of-plane thickness of the surface or cross-sectional area for every node in the node-based
surface. The default value is 1.0.
Data lines to define the surface interaction in an ABAQUS/Standard analysis if the USER
parameter is used:
First line:
1. Out-of-plane thickness of the surface for two-dimensional models or cross-sectional area for
every node in the node-based surface. The default value for both is 1.0. In other situations,
enter a blank line.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module:
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