Required parameter:
Set this parameter equal to a label that will be used to refer to the section control definition. All
section control names in the same input file must be unique.
Optional parameters:
This parameter applies only to ABAQUS/Explic it analyses.
Set DISTORTION CONTROL=YES to activate a constraint that acts to prevent negative
element volumes or other excessiv e distortion for crushable material s. This is the default value
for elements with hyperelastic or hyperfoam m aterials. The DISTORTION CONTROL param eter
is not relevant for linear kinematics and cannot prevent elements from being distorted due to
temporal instabilities, hourglass instabilities, or physicall y unrealistic deformation.
Set DISTORTION CONTROL=NO to deactivate a constraint that acts to prevent negative
element volumes or other excessive distortion for crushable materials. This value is the default
except for elements with hyperelastic or hyperfoam materials.
In ABAQUS/Explicit this parameter applies to all elements with progre s sive damage beha
except connector elements. In A BAQ US/Standard this parameter applies to cohesive elements
connector elements, and elements with plane stress formulations (plane stress, shell, continuu
shell, and membrane elements).
Set ELEMENT DELETION=YES to allow element deletion when the element has completely
damaged. This value is the default for all ele ments with a damage evolution mode l. However, this
value is not applicable to pore pressure cohesive elements.
Set ELEMENT DELETION=NO to allow fully damaged elements to rem ain in the
computations. The element retains a residual stiffness given by the specified value of MAX
DEGRADATION. In addition, elem ents with three-dimensional stress states (including
generalized plane strain elements) can sustain hydrostatic compressive stresses, and elements with
one-dimensional stress states can sustain compressive stresses. This value is the default for pore
pressure cohesive elements and is not available for beam elements.
Set HOURGLASS=COMBINED to define the viscous-stiffness form of hourglass control for solid
and membrane elements with reduced integration in ABAQUS/Explicit.
Set HOURGLASS=ENHANCED (default for elements with hyperelastic and hyperfoam
materials in ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit; default in ABAQUS/Standard and only
option in ABAQUS/Explicit for modified tetrahedral or triangular elem ents) to define hourglass
control that is based on the assumed enhanced strain method for solid, mem brane, finite-strain
shell elements with reduced integration and modified tetrahedral or triangular elements in
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module:
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