Data lines to specify planar test data for hyperelasticity other than the Marlow model:
First line:
1. Nominal stress, .
2. Nominal strain in the direction of loading,
Repeat this data line as often as necess ary to give the stress-strain data.
Data lines to specify planar test data for the Marlow model:
First line:
1. Nominal stress, .
2. Nominal strain,
3. Nominal lateral strain,
. Not needed if the POISSON parameter is specified on the
HYPERELASTIC option or if the
VOLUMETRIC TEST DATA option is u sed.
4. Temperature,
5. First field variable.
6. Second field variable.
7. Etc., up to four field variables.
Subsequent lines (only neede d if the DEPENDENCIES parameter has a value greater than four):
1. Fifth field variable.
2. Etc., up to eight field variables per line.
Repeat this set of data lines as often as necessary to define the test data as a function of temperature
and other predefined field variables. Nominal strains and nominal stresses must be given in asce nding
Using planar test data to define an elastomeric foam
“Hyperelastic behavior in elastomeric foam s,” Section 17.5.2 of the ABAQUS Analysis Us er’s Manual
• *
There are no parameters associated with this option.
Data lines to specify planar test data for a hyperfoam:
First line:
1. Nominal stress, .
2. Nominal strain in the direc tion of loading,
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module:
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