NODE PRINT: Define print requests for nodal variables.
This option is used to provide tabular printed output of nodal variables (displacements, reaction forces, etc.)
in the data file.
Product: ABAQUS/Standard
Type: History data
Level: Step
“Output to the data and results files,” Section 4.1.2 of the ABAQUS Analysis User’s Manual
Optional parameters:
Set this parameter equal to the output frequency in increments. The output will always be printe d
at the last increm ent of each step unless FREQUENCY=0. The default is FREQUENCY=1. Set
FREQUENCY=0 to suppress the output.
This parameter is relevant only at nodes where the
TRANSFORM option has been used to define
a local coordinate system.
Set GLOBAL=NO (default) to obtain printout of vector-valued nodal variables in the local
Set GLOBAL=YES to obtain prin tout of vector-valued nodal variables in the global directions.
This parameter is useful only during eigenvalue extraction for natural frequencies (“Natural
frequency extraction,” Section 6.3.5 of the A BAQUS Analysis User’s Manual), complex
eigenvalue extraction (“Complex eigenvalue extraction,” Section 6.3.6 of the AB AQU S Analysis
User’s Manual), and eigenvalue buckling estimation (“Eigenv alue buckling prediction,”
Section 6.2.3 of the ABAQU S Analysis User’s Manual). Set this parameter equal to the highest
mode number for which output is required.
The default value is LAST MODE=N,whereN is the num ber of modes extracted. If the
MODE param eter is used, the default value is LA ST MODE=M,whereM is the value of the MODE
This parameter is useful only during natural frequenc y extraction, complex eigenvalue extraction,
and eigenvalue buckling estim ation. Set this param eter equal to the first mode number for which
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module:
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