Include t his parameter to in dicate the existence of radiati on symmetries in the model. This
parameter must be set equal to the name appearing in the
where the symm etries are defined. If this parameter is omitted, it is assumed that there are no
radiation symmetries in the cavity.
Set this parameter equal to the acceptable tolerance for the viewfactor calculations. If this parameter
is omitted, the default viewfactor tolerance is 0.05.
Optional parameters (for use with the
MOTION option):
Set this parameter equal to the maximum allowable motion of any node in the monitored node set
before recalculation of radiation viewfactors. This parameter is relevant only when the
option appears in conjunction with the
RADIATION VIEWFACTOR option. This parameter must
be used with the NSET parameter.
Set this param eter equal to the name of the node set whose displacements are to be monitored to
decide when geometrical changes are significant enough to trigger recalculation of the radiation
viewfactors during the step. This param eter is relevant only when the
MOTION option appears in
conjunction with the
RADIATION VIEWFACTOR option. This parameter must be used with the
MDISP parameter.
Data lines to define blocking surfaces (BLOCKING=PARTIAL):
First line:
1. List of surfaces that provide blocking inside the cavity, up to eight surfaces per line.
Repeat this data line as often as necessary to define partial blocking.
There are no data lines associated with this option if BLOCKING=PARTIAL is not specified.
ABAQUS Version 6.1 Module:
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