Western Telematic CMS-16 Video Game Console User Manual

Availability: Supervisor Only
Format: /E[/Y] <x> [x] [Enter]
Is the number or name of the port buffer(s) to be cleared. To erase buffers for all ports,
enter an asterisk.
(Optional) Suppresses the "SURE? (Y/N)" prompt.
Verbose: "Are You Sure (y/n)?", if Y, the unit will respond with "OK".
Terse: 5, if Y, the unit will respond with 0.
Example: To clear the buffer for Port 3, access the Command Mode from a port with "All"
command capability, and type /E 3 [Enter].
/F Set System Parameters
Displays a menu which is used to define the Site ID message and Supervisor Password. When
the Supervisor Password is defined, the CMS will display a password prompt before allowing
access to command mode. For more information, refer to Section 5.4.
Note: Make certain to record your Supervisor Password for future reference. If the
Supervisor Password is lost or forgotten, you will not be able to access Supervisor
Level commands.
Availability: Supervisor Only
Format: /F [Enter]
Response: Displays System Parameters Menu
/H Help
Displays a Help Screen, which lists all CMS commands along with a brief description of each
Availability: Supervisor / User
Format: /H [Enter]
Response: Displays Help Screen. Note that the User Level Help Screen does not include
Supervisor Level Commands.
/I Default and Test
Tests internal memory and initializes the unit with the default parameters specified by the Option
WTI CMS-16; Console Management Switch -- User's Guide
file:///C|/WEBPAGE/guides/cms/html/rev_b/Cmsguide.htm (53 of 59) [11/15/2000 10:52:03 AM]