Agilent Technologies 6050A Video Games User Manual

Calibration 83
Program Listing for "A" Modules (continued)
1030 IF Flag THEN
1040 OUTPUT Load;"RES";Res_hipt
1050 ELSE
1060 OUTPUT Load;"RES";Res_lopt
1070 END IF
1100 OUTPUT Load;"TRAN ON"
1110 IF Flag THEN
1120 OUTPUT Load;"RES:TLEV";Res_lopt
1130 ELSE
1140 OUTPUT Load;"RES:TLEV";Res_hipt
1150 END IF
1160 OUTPUT Load;"*TRG"
1170 INPUT "Enter voltage across inputs for trans. point in volts",Trans_volt
1180 INPUT "Enter current through shunt for trans. point in amps",Trans_curr
1190 Trans_res=Trans_volt/Trans_curr
1200 OUTPUT Load;"CAL:TLEV";Trans_res
1220 PRINT "Test unit to verify that transient values are in spec"
1230 PRINT "Press CONTINUE when ready to calibrate next range or end program"
1240 PAUSE
LINE 10-20 Specify select code, address, and channel (default= 705, 1)
LINE 30 Turn calibration mode on
LINE 40-90 Assign variables for subprograms (see module calibration tables)
LINE 100 Store new constants in EEROM when calibration complete
LINE 110 Turn calibration mode off
LINE 140 Current calibration subroutine
LINE 200-220 Select channel, current mode, and range
LINE 230 Set high calibration point
LINE 240 If high current range, wait for internal current shunt to stabilize
LINE 260 Send measurement in amperes for high main calibration point
LINE 270 If high current range, send measurement in amperes for high readback cal point
LINE 280 Set low calibration point
LINE 300 Send measurement in amperes for low main calibration point
LINE 310 If high current range, send measurement in amperes for low readback cal point
LINE 350 Set low calibration point
LINE 360-370 Select transient toggle mode and GPIB trigger source
LINE 380-390 Turn transient mode on and set transient calibration point
LINE 400 Trigger transient level
LINE 410 If high current range, wait for internal current shunt to stabilize
LINE 430 Send measurement in amperes for high transient calibration point
LINE 440 Turn transient mode off
LINE 500 Voltage calibration subroutine
LINE 550-560 Select channel and voltage mode
LINE 570 Set high calibration point
LINE 590 Send measurement in volts for high main calibration point
LINE 600 Send measurement in volts for high readback calibration point