92 Kaspersky
Administration Kit
B.1. Other Kaspersky Lab Products
Kaspersky Lab News Agent
The News Agent is intended for timely delivery of news published by Kaspersky
Lab, for notifications about the current status of virus activity and fresh news. The
program reads the list of available news channels and their content from news
server of Kaspersky Lab with specified frequency.
The product performs the following functions:
• It visualizes in the system tray the current status of virus activity.
• The product allows the users to subscribe and unsubscribe from news
• It retrieves news from each subscribed channel with the specified fre-
quency and notifies about fresh news.
• It allows reviewing news on the subscribed channels.
• It allows reviewing the list of channels and their status.
• It allows opening pages with news details in your browser.
News Agent is a stand-alone Microsoft Windows application, which can be used
independently or may be bundled with various integrated solutions offered by
Kaspersky Lab Ltd.
OnLine Scanner
The program is a free service offered to the visitors of Kaspersky Lab's corporate
website. The service allows an efficient online anti-virus scan of your computer.
Kaspersky OnLine Scanner runs directly from your browser. Thus, users can
quickly test their computers in case of a slightest suspicion of malicious infection.
Using the service, visitors can:
• Exclude archives and e-mail databases from scanning.
• Select standard/extended anti-virus databases for scanning.
• Save a report on the scanning results in txt or html formats.
OnLine Scanner Pro
The program is a subscription service offered to the visitors of Kaspersky Lab's
corporate website. The service allows an efficient online anti-virus scan of your
computer and disinfection of dangerous files. Kaspersky OnLine Scanner Pro
runs directly from your browser. Using the service, visitors can:
• Exclude archives and e-mail databases from scanning.