Installation and Removal of Software on the Computers 71
Figure 44. Selecting an application to be removed
The task you created will be run according to the schedule.
4.2. Deployment wizard
You can use deployment wizard to install Kaspersky Lab's applications. This
wizard allows performing application deployment using the forced installation
method using installation packaged created or directly from the distribution
The wizard performs the following:
• creation of an installation package to install the application (if such pack-
age has not been installed earlier). The package is stored in the Remote
installation node under the name that matches the name and the version
of the application and can be used to install the application later.
• creation and launching of global and group deployment tasks. The task
created will be located in the Global tasks or Group tasks folder of the
group for which the task was created and can be manually run later. The
name of the task matches the name of the package for the application in-
stallation: Installation <Name of the selected installation package>.