Installation and Removal of Software on the Computers 75
8. After this a window will open that will display the process of distribution
and execution of the deployment task on the computers of the selected
group (see Figure 49). You can switch to the final window of the wizard
without waiting for the process to be completed. In order to do it, press the
Next button. You can view detailed information about the results of the
task execution on each computer using the History button.
Figure 49. Deployment task execution
4.3. Local software installation
The local software installation is performed individually on each computer. In
order to perform local installation you must have the administrator's right for the
local computer.
Some applications that support administration using Kaspersky Administration
Kit can be installed on computers only locally. Details see Guides to the
corresponding applications.
General procedure for the software installation during local deployment of the
anti-virus protection system can be as follows:
• install the Network Agent and configure the connection between the client
computer and the Administration Server (see section 4.3.1 on page 76);