82 Kaspersky
Administration Kit
The file of the administration plugin for the Network Agent klcfginst.exe
is located in the NetAgent folder of the distribution package of
Kaspersky Administration Kit
4.3.3. Installing applications in non-
interactive mode
In order to install an application in non-interactive mode:
1. Create the required installation package (see section4.1.1xx) if the
installation package for the application you would like to install has not
been created.
Installation packages will be saved in some shared folder under the
Administration Server Packages system directory when the
Administration Server is being installed. A subfolder will correspond to
each installation package.
2. Configure installation package settings as required.
3. Install application using one of the methods below:
Copy the entire folder corresponding to the desired installation package
from the Administration Server to the client. Open the copied folder on the
client and start the executable (file with the .exe extension) using the /s
Access the shared folder for the desired installation package on the
Administration Server from the client. Then start the executable with the
/s switch.
4. Run executable file setup.exe with modifier /s included into the
distribution package of the application being installed, on the
computer onto which you plan to install the application using non-
interactive mode.
Installation packages are stored on the Administration Server in
the shared folder specified during the Administration Server
installation stage, in service folder Packages.
When installing Kaspersky Administration Kit non-interactively, an answer
file may be used. This file contains all the application install parameters
and enables the application to be installed more than once with the same