Installation and Removal of Software on the Computers 53
• specify the number of the port used by the client computer to
securely connect to the updating agent using SSL protocol. The
default port number is 13001;
• check box Use multiaddress IP delivery and fill in fields
Multicast IP Address and Multicast IP Port Number.
5. Press the Apply or the ОК button.
Figure 28. Updating agent properties windowCreating a remote installation task
When this task is executed, remote installation of software on the client
computers is performed using one of the two methods: forced installation or
installation using the startup scenario.
Forced installation allows performing the remote installation of software on the
specific client computers within the logical network. When the task is run, the
Administration Server will copy from the shared folder a set of files required to
install the application to each client computer in the temporary folder and
launches the installer application on each computer. In order to successfully
perform the forced installation task the Administration Sever must have the rights
of the local administrator on the client computers within the logical network. This
method is recommended for installation of applications onto computers running