6 Kaspersky
Administration Kit
• create individual patterns for the application's operation by
creating and running tasks for a set of computers from different
administration groups.
• Automatically update the anti-virus database and application modules on
computers. This feature allows centralized updating of the anti-virus data-
base for all installed Kaspersky Lab's applications without accessing the
Kaspersky Lab's internet updates server for each individual update. The
updating can be performed automatically according to the schedule set up
by the administrator. The administrator can monitor the installation of the
updates on the client computers.
• Receive reports using a dedicated system
. This feature allows centralized
collection of statistical information about the operation of all installed
Kaspersky Lab's applications, monitoring the correctness of the operation
of these applications and creating reports based on the information ob-
tained. The administrator can create a cumulative network report about
the operation of an application or reports about the operation of applica-
tion installed on each computer.
• Use events notification system. Mail notification sending system
. This fea-
ture allows the administrator to create a list of events in the operation of
the applications about which he or she will receive notifications. The list of
such event may, for example, include detection of a new virus or an error
that occurred when attempting to update the anti-virus database on a
computer, detection of a new computer in the network.
• Perform license management
. This capability supports centralized instal-
lation of license keys for all installed enterprise applications, tracking of
compliance with the license agreement (number of licenses should corre-
spond to number of running applications) and license agreement expira-
tion date.
• Cooperate with Cisco Network Admission Control (NAC). This functional-
ity provides a mapping between host antivirus protection conditions and
Cisco NAC statuses.
Kaspersky Administration Kit application consists of three main components:
• Administration server performs the function of centralized storage of in-
formation about Kaspersky Lab's applications installed in the corporate
network and about managing such applications.
• Network Agent coordinates the interaction between the Administration
Server and Kaspersky Lab's applications installed on a specific network
node (a workstation or a server). This component supports all Windows-
applications included in the Kaspersky Lab Business Optimal and