Installing Kaspersky Administration Kit 23
Value (local) will be automatically assigned to the Server name field if an
SQL server is detected on the computer from which Kaspersky
Administration Kist is being installed. To display the list of all Microsoft
SQL servers installed in the network, press the Browse… button.
If the Administration Server will be started under the local administrator's
account or under the system account, the Browse button will not be
Figure 7. Selecting SQL server
If during the previous stage MySQL server was selected, specify in this
window (see Figure 8) its name in the MySQL server name field (by
default IP address of the computer onto which Kaspersky Administration
Kit is being installed will be used) and specify port to be used for
connection in the Port field (the default port is 3306). In the MySQL
server database name field specify the database name that will be
created to store the Administration Server data (by default the database
will be created under name KAV).
If during the previous stage MySQL server was selected, specify in this