Installing Kaspersky Administration Kit 21
Figure 4. Selecting user
If you selected a user who does not have the domain administrator's
rights, the Administration Server will be launched under his account,
however the functionality of Kaspersky Administration Kit will be
somewhat restricted. For example, it may not have the rights required to
execute a deployment task using a launch scenario (see section 0 on
page 53) and polling some domains of the Windows network.
For the correct operation of the Administration server, the account used
to launch it must have the following rights:
• Log on as a service;
• Act as part of the operating system;
• Access this computer from the network;
• Replace a process level token;
• Increase quotas/ Adjust memory quotas for a process.
If the user you selected is a domain administrator, but it does not have the
rights listed above, such rights will be granted to this user (see Figure 5).