20 Kaspersky
Administration Kit
• Domain User account - the Administration Server will be started under
the user account included into the domain. In this case the Administration
Server will initiate all operations using the rights of this account and during
the next stage you will be offered to specify the user whose account will
be used.
If a Windows domains structure has been created within the corporate
network we recommend selecting the domain administrator's account in
order to start the Administration Server. In the future it will allow to avoid
configuring additional settings, for example, specifying account of a user
who is granted with the domain administrator's rights when creating a
deployment (remote installation) task (see section 0 on page 53).
• Local System account - the Administration Server will be started under
the System account with all rights granted to this account. In this case
you do not select a user account and will switch directly to the stage
where you will have to specify the recourse to store the Administration
Server's information database .
For the correct operation of Kaspersky Administration Kit it is mandatory
that the account used to start the Administration Server is granted the
rights of the administrator for the resource used to store the Administra-
tion Server's information database.
6. If you selected a domain's user account to start the Administration Server
under, you will be offered to specify such user.
In order to do it, in the User name field in the wizard window (see Figure
4) select the user name using the Browse… button or enter this name
manually out of names registered within the current domain. After this,
enter the password used to register the user in the domain.