Installation and Removal of Software on the Computers 39
If you create an installation package to install other applications (see
Figure 18):
• select Create installation package for application specified by
the user from the drop-down list;
• indicate the path to the application distribution package using
the Browse button;
• install the Copy entire folder into the installation package
box, if the package must contain the entire content of the folder
in which the distribution file is located;
• specify the settings used to run the executable file in the entry
line provided if such settings are required to install the
application (for example, running in non-interactive mode using
switch /s).
Figure 18. Creating and installation package to install application specified by user.
4. In the next wizard window (see Figure 19), you can specify the license
key that will be included into the installation package. In order to do it,
press the Browse… button and select the required file of the license key
(file has extension .key)
If you do not wish to include the license key into the installation package,
simply press the Next> button.