
32 Kaspersky
Administration Kit
Property Administration
Kaspersky Lab PVS
for Cisco NAC
Name in
Task Man-
klserver.exe klnacserver.exe klnagent.exe
Startup Type Automatically, at operating system boot.
User Name
Local Service or user specified.
A server version of the Network Agent will be installed on the computer together
with the Administration Server. It is included into the structure of the
Administration Server component and is installed or removed together with it and
can only interact with the Administration Server installed locally. You do not have
to configure the settings used by the Agent to connect to the Administration
Server, as programmatically this connection is implemented based on the
assumption that these components are installed on the same computer. Such
configuration allows to avoid additional configuration and possible conflicts in the
operation of the components if they are installed separately.
A server version of the Network Agent is installed with the same attributes and
performs the same application administration functions as the standard Network
Agent. It will operate based on the policy of the group into which the
Administration Server's computer is included as a client computer, all tasks
provided for the Network Agent will be created except the Server change task.
A separate installation of the Network Agent on the Administration Server's
computer is not required. Its functions will be performed by the server version.
You can review properties of the following services: Kaspersky Administration
Server, Kaspersky Network Agent, and Kaspersky Lab Cisco NAC Posture
Validation Server; and monitor their operation using the standard Windows
administration tools - Computer Management Services. Information about
operation of the Kaspersky Administration Server service will be registered
and saved in the Windows system log on the computer where the Administration
Server is installed, in a separate branch of the Kaspersky Event Log.
Additionally, groups of local users KLAdmins and KLOperators will be created
on the computer on which the Administration Server is installed. If the
Administration Server is run under the account of a user included into the
domain, then groups KLAdmins and KLOperators will be added to the list of
groups of the domain users. Change of the list of the groups is performed using
standard Windows administration tools.